
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Why Is Customer Service So Important?
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Own Your Future.
Author and long-time New York Times contributor Paul Brown joins the show to discuss successful business strategies, the importance of customer service within a business and how it relates to health services - which is exactly how the Hotze Health & Wellness Center separates itself from a typical medical practice.
Paul is the co-author of Customers for Life: How to Turn That One-Time Buyer Into a Lifetime Customer with Carl Sewell. His most recent book is titled Own Your Future: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur and Thrive in an Unpredictable Economy, which is available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobel and bookstores everywhere.
Remember to subscribe to new and archived episodes of Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution on iTunes, Google Play, YouTube and wherever else you find podcasts - visit hotzepodcast.com to learn more. Be sure to give us 5 stars on iTunes and follow Dr. Hotze on Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest!

Thursday Dec 14, 2017
What's The Connection Between Depression And Hormones?
Thursday Dec 14, 2017
Thursday Dec 14, 2017
The holidays are in full swing and you should be enjoying this wonderful time of year, but do you often find yourself battling the blues instead?
- Approximately 12 million women in the United States experience clinical depression each year.
- Depression occurs most frequently in women aged 25 to 44.
- Women experience depression at roughly TWICE the rate of men.
Learn what could be the underlying cause of your depressed moods and how you can fight depression not only during the holidays, but all year round during today's episode of Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution!
Remember to subscribe to new and archived episodes of Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution wherever you find podcasts, including iTunes, Google Play and even YouTube! Be sure to also follow us across all social media channels including Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest! Learn more about our show and how to subscribe at HotzePodcast.com

Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
Heidi's Doctor Prescribed Her The WRONG Medication: Learn Why!
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
Heidi has been a guest of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center since 2003.
She had dealt with allergies and asthma her entire life and was being treated by a specialist; However, she began to experience symptoms of low thyroid, so she consulted with her doctor, who said her blood work was normal and prescribed her a medication primarily used to treat...Parkinson's disease!
What did medication for Parkinson's disease have to do with Heidi's symptoms? Nothing.
In fact, it made things worse: She explained to her doctor that her symptoms were only worsening, yet he told her it was all in her head. Not only did he outright dismiss her plea for a prescription change, but he also recommended she see a psychiatrist.
Heidi took matters into her own hands and found the Hotze Health & Wellness Center after diligent research. After booking a consultation, she was astounded that the staff spent so much time listening and learning about her story and symptoms so they could make the most accurate diagnosis possible.
Tune in to learn more about how Heidi took control of her life and how the Hotze Health & Wellness Center staff was able to treat the root cause of her symptoms rather than just prescribing dangerous pharmaceutical drugs.
Remember to subscribe to new and archived episodes of Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution wherever you find podcasts or visit www.hotzepodcast.com! Be sure to follow us across all social media channels including LinkedIn and Twitter so you too can do a 180 and get on a path to health and wellness, naturally!

Thursday Dec 07, 2017
What Is Fibromyalgia?
Thursday Dec 07, 2017
Thursday Dec 07, 2017
Fibromyalgia simply means muscle pain.
It's not a diagnosis: A doctor takes your symptoms and converts them into a Latin term to give you a diagnosis.
These symptoms can include joint and muscle pain, fatigue, insomnia, recurring infections, weight gain, brain fog, headaches and more.
The real question is, what is the CAUSE of your diagnosis?
Why use dangerous antidepressants to mask these symptoms that can be treated naturally?
Tune in to today's show to learn more about Fibromyalgia, natural remedies and how to get back on a path to health and wellness without the use a pharmaceutical drugs!
Remember to subscribe to new and archived episodes of Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution wherever you find podcasts or visit hotzepodcast.com! Be sure to also like us on Facebook, follow @HotzeHealth on Twitter, and connect with us on LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus and YouTube so you can get the tips and updates you need to get on a path to health and wellness, naturally!

Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Why Is Magnesium Important? Dr. Carolyn Dean Explains
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
One of the most common causes of high blood pressure is low magnesium levels. Not only that, but a lack of magnesium in the body can result in constant migraine headaches, severe muscle cramping and can even be the cause of an irregular heart rhythm.
On today's Wellness Revolution, Dr. Carolyn Dean joins the show to discuss all things magnesium, including how it affects the body in beneficial ways, and why it's important to add to your daily routine of vitamin and supplementintake.
Taking magnesium can not only help with high blood pressure, but it can also help with numerous health problems you may be experiencing; Over 90% of the population does not consume the proper amount of magnesium needed for your body. Tune in to today's show to find out how magnesium can help you!
Remember to subscribe to new and archived episodes of Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution wherever you find podcasts or visit hotzepodcast.com! Be sure to also like us on Facebook, follow @HotzeHealth on Twitter, and connect with us on LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus and YouTube so you can get the tips and updates you need to get on a path to health and wellness, naturally!

Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Why Do You Have Allergies?
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Did you know over 60 million Americans suffer from allergies, and the number is rapidly growing?
Asthma accounts for approximately 10.1 million missed work days for adults annually, and allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in the United States - costing the health care system $18 billion annually!
Are allergies and asthma making you feel miserable?
If you can track your symptoms on the seasonal calendar, you may be one of millions suffering from allergies.
Symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they can even interfere with your relationships and everyday activities. It’s time for you to learn how to get rid of allergies naturally so that you can enjoy life again and feel your best!

Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
What Did Kathy Do When Her Doctor Told Her She'd Never Have Kids?
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
After experiencing an incredibly tragic car accident in which her sister was killed, Kathyrn Ritchie was told by her doctors that she wouldn't ever be able to have kids once she recovered.
After visiting the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Kathryn now has successfully had FOUR beautiful, healthy children!
Her symptoms of infertility, irregular periods, lack of energy, insomnia, early menopause and weight loss are essentially GONE completely because Kathyrn decided not to settle; She decided to take charge of her health, naturally, by getting her hormones replenished and on a balanced program set by the staff at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center.
Watch today's show to learn how Kathyrn got on a path to health and wellness, naturally, and how you can follow in her steps too!

Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
Testosterone: What You Need To Know
Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
When we hear the word “hormones”, we usually associate it with women. However, there are also very important hormones for men, namely, testosterone.
You’ve seen the nonstop TV commercials about “Low T”, which shows us that many men really are suffering from the symptoms of low testosterone. It’s no small problem.
Women are very familiar with the symptoms they experience when their hormones are out of balance, indicating that hormone replacement is needed. But how do you know when a man needs testosterone?

Thursday Nov 16, 2017
What Is Hypothyroidism?
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Undiagnosed hypothyroidism affects tens of millions of people in the United States. Even conventional medicine estimates that nearly 30 million Americans are suffering from undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Are you?
On today's show Dr. Steven F. Hotze completely breaks down hypothyroidism, including what the symptoms are, how to properly diagnose it, how to treat it naturally and more!
Remember to subscribe to new episodes of Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution, available in both audio-only and video formats on iTunes, YouTube and wherever else you find podcasts!

Monday Nov 13, 2017
Coach Micheal Burt: Do You Have A Life Coach?
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Welcome to the new and improved Wellness Revolution! The podcast is available in both audio and video formats wherever you find your podcasts. Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution is also on YouTube and all across social media, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn!
On today's Wellness Revolution, Dr. Steven F. Hotze talks to Coach Micheal Burt, the author of Everybody Needs A Coach In Life. Coach Burt is a motivator who embraces intensity and positivity. Coach Burt believes that everybody needs a coach in life, but not just any coach, a Super Coach – a unique blend of intensity and mindset of a former championship coach combined with an entrepreneurial skill set. Through his deep methodology of inner-engineering people to win, his championship coaching acumen, and his versatility to connect with both blue collar and white collar industries, Coach Burt has quickly become one of the most sought out motivators and hottest business coaches in the world.
Click here to visit Coach Burt's website.
Find Coach Burt on Twitter @MichealBurt