
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Does Your Physician Treat You Well?
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Thursday Jan 25, 2018

Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Memory Loss & Brain Fog: Most Common Causes
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Experiencing memory loss is not only frustrating but also scary.
What causes it? How can it be treated naturally?
Watch our video to learn the most common causes of memory loss and brain fog and how to prevent it, naturally.
To find more of Dr. Hotze's video podcasts, visit Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution playlist on YouTube. Subscribe to the audio version for new episodes twice a week at hotzepodcast.com and don't forget to give us a 5-star rating and positive review on iTunes!

Thursday Jan 18, 2018
15 Reasons To Avoid Fluoride
Thursday Jan 18, 2018
Thursday Jan 18, 2018
Fluoride in water is supposed to protect the public health and be a good thing, right?
Well, it’s time to revisit this assumption.
A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, a British Medical Journal (BMJ) publication, found that fluoride exposure should be considered a contributing factor to hypothyroidism.
Watch our video to learn 15 reasons to avoid fluoride, common household products to avoid and more.
To find more of Dr. Hotze's video podcasts, visit Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution playlist on YouTube. Subscribe to the audio version for new episodes twice a week at hotzepodcast.com and don't forget to give us a 5-star rating and positive review on iTunes!

Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
How Pam Found Herself Again, Naturally
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
One morning Pam couldn’t remember how to drive home from her bible study. That was the last straw for her: That’s when she knew she had to do something.
Today, Pam says “I feel AWESOME!!! I feel like I can tackle anything! I sleep great and for a long time! I have a great memory and haven’t had any sensation of being ‘lost,’ ever again.”
See how Pam's life transformed for the better once she became a guest at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center!
To find more of Dr. Hotze's video podcasts, visit Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution playlist on YouTube. Subscribe to the audio version for new episodes twice a week at hotzepodcast.com and don't forget to give us a 5-star rating and positive review on iTunes!

Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Chronic Fatigue: Natural Prevention & Treatment
Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Thursday Jan 11, 2018

Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
Dr. Patrick Porter Talks Managing Stress, BrainTap
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018

Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Yeast Overgrowth Prevention and Treatment
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Take charge of the new year by changing the foods you eat beginning Monday, January 8 with our Yeast Free With Me program! Visit YeastFreeWithMe.com
No one likes talking about certain embarrassing health symptoms, but it turns out gastrointestinal symptoms are very common.
Candida Albicans is a fungus which lives and overgrows in our intestines causing an imbalance in the normal bacteria of the colon so that we get less normal healthy bacteria, and more yeast.
Hundreds of chemical toxins cause these numerous painful symptoms,and as these yeast toxins are absorbed in the colon and enter the bloodstream, they can cause symptoms in all areas of your body, so the list of possible symptoms is endless.
Tune in to today's Wellness Revolution to learn how to naturally prevent the Candida and yeast overgrowth, the role of antibiotics versus natural treatment, and more!
Remember to subscribe to new and archived episode of Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution on iTunes, Google Play, YouTube, and wherever else you find podcasts. Learn more at hotzepodcast.com!

Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
How Did Kathy Get Her Life Back?
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018

Friday Dec 29, 2017
What Causes Migraine Headaches?
Friday Dec 29, 2017
Friday Dec 29, 2017
In the United States, more than 37 million people suffer from migraines.
The best way to get rid of migraines is by identifying and correcting the underlying cause of the migraine. On today's show, Dr. Hotze discusses the top causes of migraine headaches and how to treat them, naturally.
Remember to subscribe to new and archived episodes of Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution on iTunes, Google Play, YouTube and wherever else you find podcasts; Learn more at hotzepodcast.com. Be sure to also follow Hotze Health and Hotze Vitamins on Facebook!

Thursday Dec 21, 2017
What's Causing Your Anxiety?
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Anxiety affects 40 million adults in the country, and women are twice as likely to have an anxiety disorder as men. We've all felt anxious before, but what about when it begins to occur more frequently and take over your life?
These feelings are very uncomfortable and can interfere with your daily activities; Things that you never used to worry about can now almost paralyze you with fear. Why is this happening? On today's show, Dr. Hotze explains the five most common reasons you may be experiencing anxiety.
Remember to subscribe to new and archived episodes of Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution on iTunes, Google Play, YouTube and wherever else you find podcasts. Visit hotzepodcast.com to learn more!