
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Does Untreated Hypothyroidism Cause Heart Risk?
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
13 million Americans are suffering from undiagnosed and therefore, untreated hypothyroidism. Did you know that you could be setting yourself up for heart disease by not treating hypothyroidism?
Watch our video to learn the two ways that hypothyroidism leads to heart disease, how it can be naturally prevented, how it can be naturally treated and more!
Do you suffer from hypothyroidism? Take our symptom checker to learn more: https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Biodentical Hormones: Wendy's Health Journey
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Wendy suffered from hormonal issues and food and airborne allergies that not only made her miserable, but also brought on sinus infections, which caused her to take antibiotics - which caused yeast build up in her system.
When she came to the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Wendy was put on bioidentical hormones that replenished what her body so desperately needed, while the yeast-free diet helped her adrenal fatigue and allergies.
How did all of this happen? Watch Wendy tell her story on today's episode of Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution and be sure to subscribe to the audio version at hotzepodcast.com!

Monday Feb 26, 2018
Ketogenic Diet & Intermittent Fasting: What Works Best?
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
With all the different healthy-eating programs out there, what works best?
Two suggestions we have are the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting.
But what does that even mean? Where can more information be found?
Watch our video to learn more about these healthy-eating programs and see if you can apply one into your lifestyle.
Be sure to visit hotzepodcast.com to subscribe to our audio podcast on iTunes, Google Play and wherever else you find podcasts.

Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Vitamin C: Why Is It So Important?
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Allergies? Adrenal fatigue? Low immune system function?
Vitamin C has been and always will be one of the most essential vitamins and antioxidants on the market, and for good reason! From allergies to detoxification to heart health, vitamin C covers just about every spectrum when you think of wellness.
Be sure to visit hotzevitamins.com to find the highest quality vitamin C products and be sure to subscribe to the Wellness Revolution on iTunes, Google Play, YouTube and wherever else you find podcasts!

Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
ADD & ADHD: What's The Underlying Cause?
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Lacking focus? Easily distracted?
Before you assume you have ADD, discover the underlying cause of your symptoms. While we used to associate ADD or ADHD primarily with children, many adults today are being diagnosed with it, as well.
Also, before you go to a doctor who will prescribe dangerous stimulant drugs, you owe it to yourself to find the underlying cause of your symptoms.
Take our symptom checker now to find the underlying cause of your symptoms! https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/
Be sure to also visit hotzepodcast.com to find more of our podcasts! visit hotzepodcast.com to find more of our podcasts!

Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Testosterone & Heart Health
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Testosterone levels naturally decline as men age.
As a result, they experience various health problems, including heart disease.
How can taking natural testosterone supplements be used to improve your health? Watch today's video to learn more!
To find more of Dr. Hotze's video podcasts, visit Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution playlist on YouTube. Subscribe to the audio version for new episodes twice a week at hotzepodcast.com and don't forget to give us a 5-star rating and positive review on iTunes!

Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
The Dangers Of Antidepressants
Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Dr. Peter Breggin and Dr. Hotze Talk Dangers Of Antidepressants
Dr. Breggin is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist who has been called “The Conscience of Psychiatry” for his many decades of successful efforts to reform the mental health field.
To find more of Dr. Hotze's video podcasts, visit Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution playlist on YouTube. Subscribe to the audio version for new episodes twice a week at hotzepodcast.com and don't forget to give us a 5-star rating and positive review on iTunes!

Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Don't Let Premarin Ruin Your Life: Cindy's Story
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Cindy was placed on Premarin by her doctors, which caused her to develop huge fibroids and have a total hysterectomy.
Later, her doctors put her on Premarin again, and she began to wonder if this is how she would feel the rest of her life.
Like all of us, she needed energy to live her life to the fullest, but by taking harmful pharmaceutical drugs, it just wasn't happening.
How did Cindy do a 180 and take charge of her health, naturally? Watch to learn how Dr. Hotze helped Cindy get her energy and vitality back! Visit hotzepodcast.com to find more of our podcasts!

Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Top 6 Causes of Weight Gain
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Over 69% of adults are overweight or obese, with more than 78 million adult Americans considered obese.
What makes weight loss such a challenge for so many people?
Watch our video to learn of the most common causes of weight gain and the best ways to go about treating those causes, naturally.
To find more of Dr. Hotze's video podcasts, visit Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution playlist on YouTube. Subscribe to the audio version for new episodes twice a week at hotzepodcast.com and don't forget to give us a 5-star rating and positive review on iTunes!

Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Who Actually Controls Your Prescriptions?
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Do doctors only prescribe what the insurance companies tell them to? What if the best treatment isn't something the pharmaceutical companies are pushing?
Watch our video to learn why doctors aren't in total control of what they can prescribe their patients and why you may not actually be getting the treatment you need.
To find more of Dr. Hotze's video podcasts, visit Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution playlist on YouTube. Subscribe to the audio version for new episodes twice a week at hotzepodcast.com and don't forget to give us a 5-star rating and positive review on iTunes!