
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
A Cure for Joint Discomfort & Arthritis Pain
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Joint discomfort and arthritis pain are a common symptom people experience as they age.
Traditionally, most doctors prescribe NSAID medications to manage the symptoms which, in the long-term, can lead to a host of other problems including: leaky gut syndrome, inflammation in the coronary arteries, and can harm the cartilage that it seeks to help.
In today’s podcast, Dr. Hotze visits with nutritionist and certified vitamin consultant Evelyn Perez to discuss natural ways to relieve joint and arthritis pain without the side effects associated with NSAID medications.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
By now, most people are aware of the health benefits associated with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Did you know that there are a multitude of delivery options available including: capsules, creams, sublingual tablets, injections, troche, and pellet therapy?
What are the differences and what’s the most effective?
In this week’s podcast, Dr. Hotze visits with the Director of Hotze Pharmacy, Kim Bennett, RPh. to talk about the many hormone delivery methods available for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and breaks down the effectiveness of each one.
Together they discuss the importance of physiologic dosing to maintain a natural hormone balance and the problems associated with pellet therapy.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Thursday Oct 11, 2018
The “7 Ms” of Chronic Disease with Expert Dr. Sherry Rogers
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
We are exposed to over 84,000 chemicals that are present in everyday life. It is no coincidence that our nation leads the world in chronic disease.
In today’s podcast, Dr. Hotze welcomes back the leading national toxicology expert and world-renowned author, Dr. Sherry A. Rogers.
Together, they discuss the “The 7 Ms of Disease” and how our toxic environment contributes to a decline in our nation’s health.
Dr. Sherry A. Rogers, is board certified by the American Board of Environmental Medicine, is a Fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and has over 25 years board certified by the American Board of Family Practice. She has been in solo private practice in environmental medicine for 38 years in Syracuse, NY where she sees patients from all over the world. Her landmark books include Detoxify Or Die, Tired Or Toxic?, No More Heartburn, Pain Free In 6 Weeks, Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?, and Wellness Against All Odds.
For more information on Dr. Sherry Rogers and for a listing of her books, please visit www.PrestigePublishing.com or call 1-800-846-6687.
For a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s book “Hypothyroidism, Health, and Happiness” please call 281-698-8698 and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com.
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
The Hypothyroid & Diabetes Connection
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Did you know that 31 Million people in the United States are affected by diabetes?
The cost of managing diabetes is estimated at $327 Billion annually and that number is expected to double in the next 20-25 years!
Why are the numbers so staggering?
In this week’s podcast, Dr. Hotze discusses all things diabetes including: recent data, common causes, and ways to reverse and prevent it.
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/
Subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com

Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Stem Cell Facial - The Ideal Anti-Aging Treatment
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Stem cells are essentially blank self-replicating cells capable of becoming any type of cell in the body.
Did you know that stem cells are also being used as a cosmetic treatment to renew tired skin?
On this week’s podcast Dr. Hotze visits the Director of Hotze Med Spa, Brittney Wranik, to talk about ways to reverse aging skin naturally…using stem cells!
Watch now and learn how this stem cell micro needling procedure can rebuild new collagen, elastin, dermal tissue, and blood vessels to expedite skin renewal and stimulate the body’s natural healing process.
To subscribe to our podcast, visit: www.HotzePodcast.com
For a list of aesthetic services, visit: https://www.hotzehwc.com/aesthetics-2/
To schedule an appointment with Brittney directly, please visit: https://hotzeenterprises.secure.force.com/cts?Id=a1B5000000EBJV0EAP or call 281-698-8770.

Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease with Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates
In this week’s podcast, Dr. Hotze visits with world-renowned physician, micronutrient expert and New York Times Best-Selling Author, Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
A former competitive figure skater, Dr. Fuhrman suffered a serious injury which removed him from competition. He says an alternative medicine therapy helped speed his recovery and led him to become a physician. His practice is based on his nutrition-based approach to obesity and chronic disease, as he refers to as a nutritarian or restrictive diet.
Dr. Fuhrman’s best-selling books include:
- Eat to Live
- Super Immunity
- The End of Diabetes
- Eat to Live Cookbook
- The End of Dieting
- The End of Heart Disease
Watch now and learn how you can transform your health by transforming your eating lifestyle.
To learn more about Dr. Joel Fuhrman or to order his books, visit: www.DrFuhrman.com.
Subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
The Dangers of Fluoride
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Have you ever noticed the warning label on the back of your toothpaste that reads “Do Not Swallow” and “Call Poison Control” if swallowed?
In today’s podcast, Dr. Hotze discusses how the addition of fluoride in our drinking water has contributed to an epidemic of obesity and hypothyroidism in America.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
The Energy Molecule – The Profound Benefits of CoQ10
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Have you ever heard of someone being referred to as a “full of energy” or a “live wire?” Well, it’s true…the human body makes electrical energy and there is a specific enzyme responsible for energy production at a cellular level!
On today’s podcast, Dr. Hotze explains the profound benefits of the enzymes CoQ10 and Ubiquinol and how they can help your body produce more energy.
Not only does your natural production of CoQ10 decline as you age, but statin drugs will stop the production of this powerful enzyme all together!
Subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
How to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Have you ever wondered why animals do not get heart attacks, yet humans do?
Interesting Fact: All vertebrates with the exception of humans, monkeys, guinea pigs, and bats make Vitamin C at the rate of about 1000mg per 25 pounds of body weight. This happens to be the same group that does not get heart attacks. Coincidence?
In today’s show, Dr. Hotze discusses the keys to PREVENT, ARREST, and REVERSE heart disease along with 7 key vitamin and mineral supplements that are critical for good heart health.
Subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Heart Disease & The Cholesterol Myth
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Did you know that cholesterol is the building block to produce hormones within our bodies?
Approx. 25% of the human brain’s weight is made of cholesterol and it is essential for neurotransmission and cognitive function, as well as to produce bile, Vitamin C, CoQ10, among others.
Statistics show that heart disease is the #1 cause of death in America, but is cholesterol the culprit?
What are the negative health consequences associated with cholesterol lowering drugs and what is their affect on overall mortality rates?
In today’s episode, Dr. Hotze explains the science behind cholesterol lowering drugs and challenges the common misconception about cholesterol.
Tune in now and find out what may be the underlying cause of elevated cholesterol levels and what you can do to reduce it, naturally!
Subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/