
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
With all the rain and humidity in the Houston atmosphere, mold is inevitable! It can creep into our bodies from our home, place of work, school or just from being outdoors. If you’re sensitive to mold, this can present symptoms such as headaches, dizziness and fatigue, which makes it difficult to diagnose unless you see someone who is professionally trained to properly diagnose and treat for mold sensitivity.
Join Dr. Hotze and his guest, Dr. Alfred Johnson- a leading authority on mold allergies, toxicity and infections as they discuss the sensitivities to mold and how to diagnose, detoxify and treat them.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/
For more information about Dr. Alfred Johnson, go to:
https://www.johnsonmedicalassociates.com or https://hyperbariccentersoftexas.com

Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Lifeless to Livewire! w/ Special Guest Ciera Kizerian (Light Through the Dark)
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Everyone who is living and breathing, should actually FEEL alive!! No one is depressed due to a lack of antidepressants. Depression can be caused by an imbalance of hormones. Antidepressants are highly addictive and can actually make us feel empty or emotion-less.
Join Dr. Hotze and his special guest, Ciera Kizerian today as they discuss Ciera’s journey from depression to livewire! After her first child was born, Ciera experienced severe depression and intense self-loathing. Thanks to the staff at Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Ciera is now living a healthy, vibrant, productive life with her husband and 3 children, while helping others through her podcast called Light Through the Dark.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/
For more information about Ciera and to subscribe to her Light Through the Dark podcast, go to:

Wednesday May 29, 2019
Hotze Keto Club: w/ Special Guest Monica Luedecke
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
For some of us, our brain can only focus as far as our stomach!! Sugar cravings control our eating habits. And the more we eat, the more we crave – because they are only temporarily satisfying. Sugar is highly addictive and inflammatory.
Join Dr. Hotze and special guest, Monica Luedecke, President of HHWC today as they discuss Ketogenic eating and the Hotze Keto Club. Ketones are molecules formed from fat cells, which burn more efficiently than sugars and provide higher energy levels, decreased sugar cravings and increased brain function. Listen to find out how to regain your energy and enthusiasm for life!
For more information about the Hotze Keto Club, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1022288204641924/
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday May 22, 2019
Symptom Free with Low Dose Allergy Therapy: w/ special guest Ron Parker, PA
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Allergy sufferers listen up!! There is a more convenient, less expensive treatment than the conventional weekly allergy shots. It’s called LDA, or Low Dose Allergy treatment. LDA is a low dose immunotherapy that is a small injection in your forearm every 10-12 weeks! Studies indicate this therapy has a 93% success rate and most people see results after just 3 treatments!
Join Dr. Hotze today as he welcomes Hotze’s allergy specialist, Ron Parker, P.A. and they discuss diagnosis and treatment of allergies and the benefits of LDA therapy. Allergies are an abnormal reaction to normal occurring substances in the environment. Listen to find out how LDA therapy can treat over 300 allergens and boost your immune system.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday May 08, 2019
From Medicated to Motor Running! Terry Lesch’s Story of Success
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Stop the signs of aging and roll back the clock naturally! An avid car collector and Oil & Gas salesman, Terry Lesch went from feeling sluggish and on prescription medications for cholesterol and heart disease, to his best self after only 6 months of treatment! He was trucking along on the wrong side of the health highway, but thanks to his wife and Dr. Hotze, he is ready to coast into his retirement with renewed energy.
Join Dr. Hotze and his special guest, Terry Lesch today as they discuss how a healthy eating plan along with natural supplements can reduce our need for prescription medications – which are toxins to our body. Find out how Terry turned back the clock and is ready to challenge his grandchildren when he retires later this year!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com.
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday May 01, 2019
Benefits of Natural Progesterone Therapy in Women
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Ladies…we all want to feel good, don’t we? Sometimes irregular menstrual cycles, water retention, headaches and mood swings keep us from feeling our best. But there is a natural solution in the “feel good” hormone called Progesterone!
Watch today’s podcast as Dr. Hotze discusses the importance of natural, bioidentical progesterone therapy for women. All of our hormones work in balance with each other, but as we age the steady decline in some cause us to be out of balance, which in turn, can cause a long list of symptoms. Progesterone has a direct effect on estrogen and thyroid hormones (which affect fertility), as well as aids in the production of calcium to keep our bones strong!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com.
For a free copy of Dr. Hotze’ s best-selling book, Hormones, Health and Happinness, please call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast!
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Ketogenic vs. Intermittent Fasting: What Works Best?
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
On average, 35% of the U.S. population is considered obese and 70% are considered overweight!! The majority of Americans eat a high carbohydrate, high sugar diet, which not only makes us susceptible to being overweight, but it’s harmful to our overall health and wellness. Dr. Hotze unfolds two popular eating lifestyles and explains the benefits and possible side effects when kickstarting weight loss.
In today’s podcast, Dr. Hotze explains why the ketogenic eating lifestyle works, and when combined with intermittent fasting it can jump start weight loss, detoxify cells and get us well on our way to more energy and feeling great! Believe it or not, by taking out sugars and carbohydrates and incorporating more healthy fats in our diet, weight loss is not only possible, but maintaining it is much easier. Listen and find out how to get rid of that 3:00 afternoon slump and those extra pounds!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Hypothyroidism: A Common Undiagnosed Problem
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Many Americans suffer from the #1 most commonly undiagnosed condition because our blood says we’re normal! Most blood tests will only show results of the amount in INACTIVE thyroid hormone in the bloodstream. The inactive hormone – called T4- must be converted into the active hormone – called T3 – for our cells to produce energy. The enzyme responsible for this conversion is poisoned by fluoride.
On this week’s podcast, Dr. Hotze discusses the many symptoms of Hypothyroidism and how fluoride doesn’t allow the thyroid hormone to convert properly. Most doctors will treat based on bloodwork, not on symptoms. The tests may say normal, but the clinical symptoms are still there!
Find out about the common symptoms of Hypothyroidism and how a therapeutic trial could get you back to your happy, healthy self again!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com.
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Yeast Overgrowth Prevention and Treatment
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
No one likes talking about certain embarrassing health symptoms, but as it turns out, gastrointestinal symptoms are very common!
Healthy bacteria in our system provide several meaningful functions. Antibiotics prescribed to kill harmful bacteria, also kills the healthy bacteria that our bodies need! This often causes yeast overgrowth. Yeast is a fungus that lives and grows on sugar, and as it overgrows in our intestines it causes a multitude of embarrassing symptoms.
In today’s podcast, Dr. Hotze discusses how to naturally prevent yeast overgrowth, the role of antibiotics versus natural treatment and more!
When yeast toxins are absorbed in the colon and enter the bloodstream, they can cause numerous painful symptoms in all areas of the body, so the list of possible symptoms is endless!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Heart Disease and the Grain Connection: A Conversation with Dr. William Davis - Part 2
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
NEVER DIET!!!! Instead, have a healthy optimal eating program. Hippocrates said, “let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food.”
After his Mom died of a sudden cardiac arrest, Dr. William Davis – a board certified Cardiologist – decided to turn his medical attention to the root cause of heart disease! What he found may be a surprise!!
Join Dr. Hotze and his special guest, Dr. William Davis, as they continue their discussion on how wheat, whole grain, and even gluten-free products cause a long list of symptoms and diseases as we age. They also guide us in how to eliminate these from our diet and gain control of our health naturally!
An average of 70% of calories consumed come from wheat, grain and corn products! These products actually stimulate the appetite and produce sugars as they are digested, making us crave more. Lose the wheat, lose the weight and find your path back to health!!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com.
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/
To find out more about Dr. William Davis, please check out his websites: https://www.wheatbelly.com/ or https://undoctored.com/.