
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Spring Allergy Relief
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Allergy season is upon us and in full swing! An allergy is the abnormal reaction by your body’s immune system to normal occurring substances in the environment. There are food allergies – most commonly wheat, corn, egg, yeast, mile and soybean – and environmental allergies. Our plasma cells make antibodies to pollens and other allergens. These antibodies bind to the mast cells causing them to rupture and leak histamines. The release of these histamines can cause a host of other health issues. When you visit a physician, they will more than likely prescribe antibiotics, steroids and anti-histamines that will treat the symptoms, produce toxins in your body, and do nothing address the actual allergies! That’s why you have the same symptoms year after year.
Join Dr. Hotze today, as he discusses how he has been successfully treating allergies for over 30 years without prescription medications! Exposure to allergens stresses the immune system and its response causes symptoms to present themselves. Studies show that you can become desensitized to allergens by being exposed to low doses of them over time. By using sublingual drops or LDA (Low Dose Allergy) treatments, you can expose your body to the allergens in low levels over time and allow your body to become insensitive to the allergens. Vitamin C is also a natural antihistamine. Dr. Hotze recommends taking 100mg. per 25 pounds of body weight. Take charge of your health and treat your allergies naturally so you can live allergy-free, year after year!
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Spring Cleaning for Your Body: The Importance of Detox
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
It’s that time of year again!!! Spring cleaning – not for your house, but for your body! It’s hard to have enthusiasm for life if you’re not healthy.
Did you know that low energy can also be caused by toxins in our body? That’s why it’s important to detox our systems regularly – and what better time than now!
Where do we get toxins?
- The air we breathe – our environment is full of toxins and heavy metals
- The food we eat – packaged, canned, boxed & sugary foods, simple carbohydrates
- What we drink – canned drinks are full of sugar
- What we put on our body – lotions and many beauty products are full of petrochemicals
- Metals we are exposed to – they aren’t only in the air we breathe, they are also in our dental work, the cookware and utensils we used to prepare meals
Join Dr. Hotze today as he helps us understand the importance of detoxing our body for maximum health and energy. He also recommends two books:
- Medication Madness, by Dr. Peter Breggin
- Anti-Depressant Solution, by Dr. Joseph Glenmullen
Contact Hotze Vitamins today to talk to an expert Nutritionist and Vitamin consultant about how to detox your body and get on the path to health and wellness naturally! It’s not a diet – it’s a new approach to eating so can eat to live and not live to eat!
For your step-by-step guide to a 14-day detox or to speak with an expert on nutrition, call Hotze Vitamins today at 1-800-579-6545 or visit https://www.hotzevitamins.com.
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
The Great Cholesterol Myth! A Conversation with Stephen Sinatra, MD
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Our society has been led to believe that high cholesterol is the cause of heart disease and that statin drugs are the answer.
The truth is that inflammation of the arteries is what causes heart disease and cholesterol is vital for our memory and improves the synapses in our brain! The real culprit for heart disease is sugar!
Join Dr. Hotze today as he welcomes back Dr. Stephen Sinatra, author of The Great Cholesterol Myth and several other books on heart health. Dr. Sinatra is a board-certified cardiologist and practices Alternative Cardiology.
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take out free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/
To learn more about Dr. Sinatra, please visit:
For more podcasts, please visit: www.HotzePodcast.com

Thursday Feb 13, 2020
The Importance of Thyroid
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Did you know that the thyroid hormone governs every cell in the human body and is the #1 source of energy?
In addition, 95% of Americans will have “normal” levels of thyroid according to standard blood tests, regardless of symptoms! The “normal” range is VERY hard to fall out of!
The symptoms of low thyroid (hypothyroidism) include fatigue, mood swings, depression, lack of focus, weight gain, low body temperature, muscle aches and pains, abnormal bowel function, irregular menstrual cycles, among others. Unfortunately, many doctors will simply treat the symptoms by prescribing medication for depression, joint pain, sleep aids, etc. without digging deeper to find the root cause.
In this week’s podcast, join Dr. Hotze as he discusses hypothyroidism as the #1 most commonly undiagnosed condition. Low energy is the first sign of inadequate production of active thyroid, but there are many other common symptoms. Learn how to get back to your happy, healthy self again!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
The Freedom Model for Addiction w/ Michelle Dunbar & Mark Scheeren
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
What you think about yourself is what you become.
Addiction is a habit that is self-created and developed over time for personal reasons. Physical dependence is a physical toxicity issue, not an addiction issue, and there’s no such thing as an addictive gene. The Freedom Model runs counter-culture to what you may have heard before and gives hope to those who have failed traditional treatment.
Join Dr. Hotze and his guests, Mark Scheeren and Michelle Dunbar of The Freedom Model, a St. Jude Retreat in New York. Mark shares that it’s okay to reject the labels (alcoholic, addict, etc.) and move on with your life. Michelle grew up in the cult of AA. She drank and tried her 1st drug at 12 and started using regularly at 16 or 17. They have educated over 8,000 people (most of which have failed at traditional treatment) about the power of choice! Escape the power of addiction and go from hopeless to hopeful, knowing you have control and power over drugs and alcohol.
If you or someone you know needs to escape from the power of addiction, you can contact The Freedom Model at www.soberforever.net or call them directly at (888) 424-2626.
You can find them on YouTube and subscribe to their podcast The Addiction Solution. Their five-star book, The Freedom Model for Addictions, is also available online.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
The Business of Back Pain & Simple Ways to Treat It w/ Bill Sheppard, DC
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
More money is spent on back pain than any other health issue – including cancer and heart disease! Most medical doctors treat back pain with prescription pain medicines and muscle relaxers, which do nothing to heal the underlying cause and only mask the symptoms. Eighty percent of people will suffer from a bulging disc at some point in their lifetime! Chiropractic care treats back pain and other mechanical problems naturally and without prescription drugs.
Join Dr. Hotze and his personal chiropractor, Dr. Bill Sheppard of United Chiropractic and Medical Center, as they exchange life-changing testimonies! Dr. Sheppard has been a guest of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center for over 20 years and Dr. Hotze has been a patient at Dr. Sheppard’s office for over 15 years. Dr. Hotze shares a few personal stories of how his pain was relieved naturally with spinal manipulation, spinal decompression and Hotze’s new Full Spectrum Hemp Oil. Whatever the issue, make sure to take care of yourself naturally and stay happy and healthy along the way!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/
For more information about Dr. Sheppard or to contact his clinic, go to www.katyspinerehab.com or call 281-392-6550.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Unlocking the Power of Fatherhood w/Gary Rogers
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Gary Rogers’ health was limiting his life! Two years ago, a friend recommended he visit the Hotze Health & Wellness Center and now he is healthy, full of life and 87 pounds lighter! The most noticeable difference though, is his mental clarity and sharpness, which was beneficial in the completion of his book “Unlocking the Power of Fatherhood.”
Join Dr. Hotze and his guest, Gary Rogers as they discuss the personal journey to find life’s purpose through the lens of Gary’s extraordinary father, Billy Ray. As a young baby, Billy Ray overcame a polio diagnosis (with the help of his parents) and became a successful businessman, husband and father. Everyone is valuable and has a purpose! Listen to learn key principles in unlocking your potential as a man, father and husband.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/
For more information about Gary Rogers and his book, visit www.rethinkingfatherhood.com.

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
A Discussion on Thyroid with Dr. Mila McManus – Pt. 2
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
The thyroid hormone is the sparkplug that helps us feel happy and healthy! Most blood tests will show normal levels of the thyroid hormone because they are based off a standard deviation. Just because you have a lot of thyroid in your blood, does not mean it is getting into your cells. Twenty five percent of the T3 (active) thyroid is made in the gut. A healthy gut is important for healthy thyroid levels. Symptoms of thyroid imbalance include fatigue, weight gain, muscle weakness, slow metabolism, increased sensitivity to cold and depression.
Join Dr. Hotze and his guest, Dr. Mila McManus, the founder and owner of The Woodlands Institute of Health and Wellness, as they discuss the importance of diagnosing a thyroid imbalance based on symptoms, not blood tests and how to treat it naturally. Hypothyroidism slows you down! Replenish the body with what it produces naturally and get back to being happy and healthy.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/
For more information about Dr. Mila McManus, please visit: https://woodlandswellnessmd.com/

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Women’s Hormones w/Dr. Mila McManus
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
As women age, it is important to keep estrogen and progesterone in balance! These hormones are produced during the menstrual cycle, however the amount of progesterone a woman needs as she ages increases, while the amount our bodies produce decreases. This causes estrogen dominance and can produce a wide variety of symptoms such as anxiety, depression, migraines and insomnia. Most physicians will prescribe anti-depressants to treat such symptoms. However, simply adding bio-identical progesterone can reduce these symptoms with bonus effects of regulating periods and easing pre-menstrual symptoms. Another cause of estrogen dominance are xeno-estrogens, which are toxins that act as endocrine disruptors. Many are petrochemical products found in lotions, soaps, etc. and they have similar negative effects on our body and energy levels.
Join Dr. Hotze and his special guest Dr. Mila McManus today as they discuss the many benefits of bio-identical Progesterone. Dr. McManus is the founder and owner of The Woodlands Institute of Health and Wellness and has earned several “Top Doctor” awards over the past decade. The majority of Dr. McManus’ female patients are on progesterone. Dr. McManus also recommends to get your medications from a trusted, highly regulated pharmacy such as Physicians Preference Pharmacy!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/
For more information about Dr. Mila McManus, please visit https://woodlandswellnessmd.com/ or call 291-298-6742.

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
New Trends in IV Therapy w/ Donald Ellsworth, M.D.
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Our bodies have amazing, God-given restorative powers! If we give it the right nutrients and eliminate toxins, our body can heal itself naturally. Hotze Health & Wellness Centers offer a host of IV therapies and are continually researching and adding new innovative treatments. Join Dr. Hotze and Donald Ellsworth, M.D today as they discuss the current IV therapies available at HHWC.
Standard IV Therapy - Similar to a Meyers Cocktail, contains Vitamin C, the B Complex vitamins and Magnesium. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant and necessary for collagen production. In high doses it has antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Alpha Lipoic Acid – A fantastic antioxidant that helps the liver detox. This is effective in lowering liver enzymes and is also used for patients with hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Glutathione – A master antioxidant that is depleted as we ingest toxins. When glutathione levels get low, it is difficult to detox your body.
Stem Cells (Exosome IV Therapy) – Your own stem cells are taken from bone marrow or fat (typically belly fat) and re-introduced via IV therapy. The stem cells are like a refinery and create exosomes that communicate with cells and cause them to heal. Exosomes offer the benefits of stem cells without the cost. It is an adjunct to stem cell therapy. The exosomes increase ozone and oxygen in the blood.
NAD (Nicotinamide Adenosine Dinucleotide) – Degenerative diseases are associated with low NAD levels. It also has the benefit of added energy and anti-aging and helps with drug and alcohol recovery.
Chelation Therapy – These molecules pull heavy metals (toxins) out of the body. TACT trial showed a 52% reduction in recurrent heart attacks in diabetic patients with heart disease. Mercury, lead, aluminum, etc. can be harmful to your body as they cause inflammation.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com.
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/