
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
IASIS Neurofeedback for Optimal Brain Health
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
In today’s podcast, Dr. Steven Hotze discusses IASIS Neurofeedback with Jason Gourlas, MPAS, PA-C. This is a new modality that we are offering at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center in Houston, Texas. IASIS Neurofeedback has been shown to provide relief from conditions typically associated with brain dysfunction, such as anxiety, depression, sleep issues and focus and concentration issues.
Who can benefit from IASIS Neurofeedback Therapy? People who are suffering from depression, anxiety, insomnia and who need help with cognitive optimization.
IASIS Neurofeedback:
- Stimulates neurogenesis and neuroplasticity (the ability to make new brain cells and new connections)
- Enhances or modulating existing brain cell function
- Promotes a more balanced autonomic nervous system (more “rest and digest” than “fight, flight or freeze”)
- Enhances the clearance of toxins from the brain
For more information about IASIS Neurofeedback and to schedule an appointment, call 281-698-8612.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Obtain Optimal Health Naturally with Jason Gourlas, MPAS, PA-C
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
In this podcast, Dr. Steven Hotze introduces our newest provider at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Jason Gourlas, MPAS, PA-C. Learn about Jason’s journey to practicing holistic, functional medicine and the knowledge he brings to our practice to help serve our guests (we call our patients ‘guests’).
Jason brings his expertise on natural health care and shares his knowledge of the dangers of mercury fillings and root canals, and how these dental procedures can harm your health and cause disease. He learned early on how important good nutrition is for optimal health. Jason believes that illness comes from toxicity and deficiencies. He helps our guests get to the root cause of their symptoms.
Dr. Hotze also addresses the dangers of root canals and mercury fillings and their connection to heart disease. He discusses how fluoride is not beneficial for your health and how you should avoid it in toothpaste and water.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Solutions for Child Allergies with Guest Kathryn Ritchie
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Imagine your baby suffering from extreme skin rashes, low energy, weight loss, and screaming for hours on end without any resolve! Imagine that even after following the pediatrician’s advice with consistency your baby was still unable to thrive…that’s Kathryn’s story.
Join Dr. Hotze and his long-time guest, Kathryn Ritchie as they discuss her son’s immune health and how he went from a year of suffering with extreme allergies, low energy, and low body weight to a thriving and happy life! Learn about the innovative immunotherapy solution that was used and see what hormone her son needed balanced.
Now he’s a happy and thriving 7-year-old!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Have you been told you’ll never have children? If so – listen up! As a child, Kathryn was an active ballet dancer. During her teens, her family moved to Russia, and in October of 1999, she and her sister were hit by a drunk driver which killed her sister. The doctors were so busy treating her physical injuries but ignored other symptoms such as low energy. She was in pre-menopause in her 20’s and doctors told her that she couldn’t have children.
Kathryn saw over 50 doctors all over the country (including the Mayo Clinic) with no resolve. They all attributed her symptoms to the trauma of her childhood accident. She felt hopeless. In 2010, at the urging of her father and husband, she reluctantly made a trip to Houston to visit the Hotze Health & Wellness Center as a last resort. This experience changed her life.
After being told by countless doctors that conceiving a child was not possible, she gave birth to her first child in 2011.
She now has a thriving family and will be expecting baby #7 in April!
Join Dr. Hotze and his guest Kathryn Ritchie as they recapture her remarkable story of recovery and restoration and see what all the other doctors were missing in her diagnosis!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Self-Care & Your Health with guest Wendi Thompson
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Self-care is not selfish! Did you know that the average life span is 79 years, but the average health span is 63 years…it’s true! By the time most people reach their 60s, their health declines significantly. Taking care of yourself allows you to be available and better serve the people you love!
Join Dr. Hotze and Wendi Thompson, a guest at Hotze HWC since 2003. Wendi is a retired geologist from Houston, who moved out to Pueblo, Colorado in 2019. Wendi’s health started declining at age 25 and she was diagnosed with cancer, which eventually led to a full hysterectomy at age 33. She found the Hotze Health and Wellness Center, where she received treatment for her physical symptoms, and she was also offered great emotional support! Almost 20 years after her initial visit, her health and life continue to flourish!
Be healthy in the best years of your life so you can enjoy them and be available for those you love.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Your dental health has a direct impact on your overall health!
Join Dr. Hotze and special guest, Dr. Blanche Grube as they continue their discussion on the correlation between dental health, root canals, amalgams, and systemic disease.
Dr. Grube is a renowned thought leader in biological dentistry and is co-developer of the “The Huggins – Grube Protocol.” Dr. Grube was mentored by the late Dr. Hal Huggins and helped him develop an integrated system that incorporates multiple safety factors to enhance immune recovery by removing all toxic materials from the mouth and restoring as holistically as possible. Dr. Grube currently runs The Huggins-Grube Dental Center in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Did you know that 97% of diseases start in the mouth? It’s true! Many diseases are caused by poor dental health and root canals and dental amalgams can cause systemic disease.
Join Dr. Hotze and special guest, Dr. Blanche Grube as they discuss the correlation between dental health, root canals, amalgams, and heart disease.
Dr. Grube is a renowned thought leader in biological dentistry and is co-developer of the “The Huggins – Grube Protocol.” Dr. Grube was mentored by the late Dr. Hal Huggins, and helped him develop an integrated system that incorporates multiple safety factors to enhance immune recovery by removing all toxic materials from the mouth and restoring as holistically as possible. Dr. Grube currently runs The Huggins-Grube Dental Center in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
A Healthy Family with Sheri Kennedy
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Do you struggle with low energy, poor sleep, weight gain, losing hair, brain fog, fibromyalgia, or other unexplained symptoms? Does your doctor tell you that your tests are all “normal,” but you don’t feel normal? That’s Sheri’s story.
The fact is that 95% of people fall “within range.”
In 2008 Sheri tool the advice of her husband and called the Hotze Health & Wellness Center in hopes that she would find answers and natural solutions to her symptoms. It wasn’t long before her health improved, and she was feeling 20 years younger! A few changes to her diet, vitamins and minerals and natural thyroid was a game changer for Sheri’s life and for her family!
In addition to becoming an advocate of the wellness center, Sheri’s entire family have become guests as well after seeing her success. Sheri’s husband and children were diagnosed with Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroiditis) and treated successfully after going undiagnosed for so many years!
Learn more about Sheri’s story and the specific therapies that regained her energy, mental focus, and helped her lose weight…feeling 20 years younger!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Vitamins and Minerals for Energy with James Bittick
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Do you feel like your energy is zapped in the afternoons? Most people do! Lack of energy is the most common complaint we receive, and a good quality multi-vitamin is vital to optimizing your health and energy.
Join James Bittick, Business Director of Physician’s Preference Vitamins, as he discusses the proprietary blend of vitamins and minerals contained within the Energy Formula. There are several multi-vitamin products on the market, but many of them contain unnecessary fillers and binders. With the Energy Formula, you will feel a boost of energy the first time you take it!
To learn more about the supplements mentioned on this podcast or to buy directly in one convenient daily dose pack, please visit:
Use code PC22 for 10% off your Energy Formula order!
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Vitamins for Longevity with Donald Ellsworth, M.D.
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
We all age – but have you ever thought about looking at the aging process as a disease that can be treated? It’s time to think outside the box when it comes to aging and longevity! We now have a better understanding of what’s behind the aging process (hint - genetics plays a big part!) and tools to optimize our body as we age.
Join Dr. Donald Ellsworth as he shares insights into the aging process, and how animal studies show a direct correlation between aging, disease, and certain vitamin/nutrient levels. He also shares important information about supplements we can take that can help support the aging process, naturally.
To learn more about the supplements mentioned on this podcast or to buy directly in one convenient daily dose pack, please visit: https://www.hotzevitamins.com/longevity-pak-.html
Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at www.HotzePodcast.com
If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at https://www.hotzehwc.com/symptom-checker/